Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Nyanza Adventist Secondary School Nyanza Adventist Secondary School is official Adventist education institution owned by South Nyanza Conference located in Mwanza city




  1. Students will be encouraged to recognize God as source of all truth and evaluate all knowledge, concepts and standards against this revealed will
  2. Students will be encouraged to strive to develop all their abilities to their highest level, students will be encouraged to accept Christ as their personal saviour and develop a containing relations hip with Him.
  3. Students will be encouraged to seek and develop a healthy balance of all their mental physical, social and spiritual powers,
  4. Students will be encouraged to develop and apply Christian values to their life choices and behavior
  5. Students will be encouraged to appreciate and protect the natural world which God has so beautifully provided.
  6. Students will be encouraged in that creativity which gloriefies God brings peace blessing to others.
  7. Students will be encouraged to make a commitment to a life of unselfish service that will communicate God’s love to others.
  8. Students will be encouraged to respect others without bias or prejudice
  9. Students will be encouraged to respect others without biase or prejudice